Apify Web Scraper

Apify is a platform built to serve large scale and high performance web scrapingand automation needs. It provides easy access to compute instances (Actors),convenient request and result storages, proxies,scheduling, webhooksand more, accessible through a web interfaceor an API.

The scraper requests the contents of a particular page from a website (e.g. This week's Top 10 singles on Spotify). The site returns it in HTML format. It parses (splits up the data and converts it to the required format) the HTML and extracts the data it's been programmed to. No Comments on Fast scrape of a simple website using Node.js, Apify & Cheerio scraper We recently composed a scraper that works to extract data of a static site. By a static site, we mean such a site that does not utilize JS scripting that loads or transforms on-site data.

Apify Web Scraper

While we think that the Apify platform is super cool, and you should definitely try thefree account, Apify SDK is and will always be open source,runnable locally or on any cloud infrastructure.

  • Web Scraper is a generic easy-to-use actor for crawling arbitrary web pages and extracting structured data from them using a few lines of JavaScript code. The actor loads web pages in the Chromium browser and renders dynamic content. Web Scraper can either be configured and run manually in a user interface, or programmatically using the API.
  • Apify can automate anything you can do manually in a web browser, and run it at scale. We're your one-stop shop for web scraping, data extraction, and web RPA.

Note that we do not test Apify SDK in other cloud environments such as Lambda or on specificarchitectures such as Raspberry PI. We strive to make it work, but there's no guarantee.

Appify web scraper download

Logging into Apify platform from Apify SDK

To access your Apify account from the SDK, you must providecredentials - your API token. You can do thateither by utilizing Apify CLI or by environmentvariables.

Once you provide credentials to your scraper, you will be able to use all the Apify platformfeatures of the SDK, such as calling Actors, saving to cloud storages, using Apify proxies,setting up webhooks and so on.

Appify Web Scraper Login

Log in with CLI

Apify CLI allows you to log in to your Apify account on your computer. If you then run yourscraper using the CLI, your credentials will automatically be added.

In your project folder:

Log in with environment variables

Apify Web Scraper

If you prefer not to use Apify CLI, you can always provide credentials to your scraperby setting the APIFY_TOKEN environmentvariable to your API token.

There's also the APIFY_PROXY_PASSWORDenvironment variable. It is automatically inferred from your token by the SDK, but it can be usefulwhen you need to access proxies from a different account than your token represents.

What is an Actor

Apify Web Scraper

When you deploy your script to the Apify platform, it becomes an actor.Actor is a serverless microservice that accepts an input and produces an output. It can run fora few seconds, hours or even infinitely. An actor can perform anything from a simple action suchas filling out a web form or sending an email, to complex operations such as crawling an entire websiteand removing duplicates from a large dataset.

Appify Web Scraper Download

Actors can be shared in the Apify Store so that other people can use them.But don't worry, if you share your actor in the store and somebody uses it, it runs under their account,not yours.

Appify Web Scraper Extension

Appify web scraper download

Appify Web Scraper Free

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