
  1. Organize Pro App
  2. Organize Proverb
  3. Organizer Pro Software
  4. Organize Project Management

The Protecting the Right to Organize Act, or PRO Act (H.R. 420), is designed to put a stop to these attacks, reverse many anti-worker laws across the country, and give workers a.

Organize Pro App


Organize Proverb

Organize:Me App
Taskfabric App
Basic Task Management
xxxxCreate Tasks and subtasks on multiple levels
xxxxTag any tasks with contexts
xxxxSet reminders and get notifications
xxxxRepeating tasks by day, week, year, day of week, etc.
xxxxAdd a formatted note to your tasks
xxxxDisplay tasks notes as preview in the task list
xxxxAdd files to your tasks
xxxxSet color codes and priority for your tasks
xxxMark tasks as Urgent and/or Important
xxxxDefine the timeline for each task (start/due date, duration)
xxxxExpand/Collapse subtasks
Basic project management
xxxxCreate Projects and subprojects on multiple levels
xxxxSet color codes and traffic light or flag projects
xxxxSet project status (Active/On Hold/Cancelled/Completed)
xxxxDefine the timeline for each project (start/due date)
xxxxAdd a formatted note to your projects
xxxxExpand/Collapse subprojects
Basic context management
xxxxCreate contexts and subcontexts on multiple levels
xxxxSet color codes and traffic light or flag contexts
xxxxSet context type (People/Location/Event)
xxxxDefine details based on context type (Name/Location/Details)
xxxxAdd a formatted note to your contexts
xxxxExpand/Collapse subcontexts
Review your tasks
xxxx'My Day' panel for a quick access and overview
xxxxNext Actions: Review by due date, start date or reminder
xxxxScope bar filter for projects and contexts
xxxxSearch field to quickly find specific tasks
xxReview by duration
xxDashboard to monitor KPIs for completed/open tasks
xxCustomize Dashboard to include next actions for most important projects
xxxReview by Urgent/Important State (Eisenhower Matrix)
Manage complex projects
xxxCreate new projects from templates
xxSave projects and tasks as templates
xxMindmap view of task lists
xxWork Breakdown Structure (WBS) view of task lists
Share projects and task lists
xxxSend task lists by email
xxxPrint task lists*
xxCreate reports as HTML/XML file*
xxCustomize / personalize your reports*
xShare projects with other team members (read-only)
xShare projects with other project managers (read and write)
Manage task delegations and meetings
xxAID classification - Action, Information, Decision
xxRACI matrix for task delegation - Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed
Track task progress
xxxxSet overall progress for your tasks
xxAdd comments to each progress step (by user for shared projects)
Sync and integration
xxxxAutosync for Android, iOS, macOS, Windows and Web
xxxxTask-by-Mail to create tasks from forwarded emails
xxxDisplays calendar events in the sidebar*
xxxDrop web links (URLs), files and emails to create tasks*
xxxImport MindMaps from MindManager and FreeMind
xxxImport from Google Tasks, Outlook Tasks or macOS Reminders*
Defaults and automation
xxxAuto-convert tasks/subtasks to new projects
xxxAuto-move overdue tasks to today
xxDefine default values for new tasks by project
User Interface
xxxCustomizable User Interface
Security and Compliancy
xxxxSSL encrypted access and sync
xxxIntegrated backup feature

Organizer Pro Software


Organize Project Management

. New on Windows Store. Organize:Pro is the project and task manager for freelancers, project managers and professional users. With powerful features to manage large task lists, track task delegations and task progress. Organize:Pro is your perfect companion for every meeting and for managing projects. While unions have historically played a valuable role in protecting workers, the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act risks significant damage to both the economy and individual workers’ freedom and privacy, Posted on. Organize:Pro is intuitive and easy to learn. Tasks can be added in Organize as list, with a system wide shortcut or by dropping files, web links or emails on Organize. MindMapping, GTD (Getting Things Done), Contexts, AID and RACI is fully supported by Organize.